Log Class
The Log Class is the core of the Adze library and contains most of the features. All Adze logs begin with the Log Class.
When generating a new log, you'll start by importing the Log Class which is the default export of the library. In all examples you will see it imported with the name adze
import adze from 'adze';
Class Methods
Every modifier and terminator method within the Log Class has a corresponding static implementation. This allows the user to call and instantiate an instance of the Log Class without the need of explicitly calling new Log()
import adze from 'adze';
// Example value to be logged.
const x = 123;
adze.log('This is a log.', x);
The public getters are used for getting data from a log instance.
- data - Returns the log data.
- modifierData - Returns object containing key/values from called modifiers.
- configuration - Returns the configuration that this log instance is using.
Modifiers are used to alter log behavior or add context.
- assert
- closeThread
- count
- countClear
- countReset
- dir
- dirxml
- dump
- format
- group
- groupCollapsed
- groupEnd
- if
- label
- meta
- namespace/ns
- silent
- table
- time
- timeEnd
- timeNow
- timestamp
- trace
- withEmoji
Terminators end a log and generate it at the specified level.