Putting It All Together
In summary, we have learned how to do the following:
- Installing Adze
- Setting up Adze for use throughout our applications
- Configuring and customizing Adze
- Annotating our logs with meta data
- Capturing our log data for transport
- Filtering our logs for readability
- and using tools to filter our logs in our runtime environments
If you would like to dive even deeper into the functionality that Adze provides, please read through the Reference Manual. Here you will be introduced to all of the available modifiers and terminators, as well as greater detail about log formatting and customizability.
Production Example
Here is an overview of a basic implementation of Adze for use in a production environment.
import adze, { setup } from 'adze';
import AdzeTransportFile from '@adze/transport-file';
// Make the output format pretty when in development. Use JSON formatting in all other environments.
const format = import.meta.env.DEV ? 'pretty' : 'json';
// Get an environment variable for controlling my active log level. Default to info level.
const activeLevel = import.meta.env.LOG_LEVEL ?? 'info';
// Setup our middleware to write logs to rotating log files
const fileTransport = new AdzeTransportFile({ directory: './logs' });
await fileTransport.load();
// Configure our logger globally.
const store = setup({
middleware: [fileTransport],
// Listen for alerts to trigger a notification
store.addListener('alert', (log: Log) => {
// POST my alert to a service that will notify me
// Create our logger instance to use throughout our app
const logger = adze.timestamp.ns('MyApp').seal();
export default logger;
And using our logger in another module...
// my-module.ts
import _logger from './logger';
// Add a namespace of "my-module" for this module's logs.
const logger = _logger.ns('my-module').seal();
logger.info('This is some information about my application.');
Now go read the reference manual and have fun!